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Dr. Bankole Johnson

Dr. Bankole Johnson

Physician, psychiatrist and addiction researcher

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Damian O’Hara

Damian O’Hara

President of Allen Carr North America

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Dr. Cheryl Healton

President and CEO of the American Legacy Foundation

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Question:This is a new year and resolution # 1 is how to quit smoking. I have been wanting to for some time now, however do you think I stand a remote chance of quiting with smokers in my house?

My sister and I live in my dads house with him he is legally blind and needs assistance. My mom past away a few years ago & we moved in with him at his request. Now my problem is this - he is a smoker and has COPD ( I think that is what it is called) anyway my mom past away and she was a smoker. My niece & her husband moved into the house and they are both smokers. Now I tried to quit smoking last year and only lasted 1 month. I know how hard it is now and it scares me to death to go thru those withdrawals again. My question is this I really do not want the control the nicatine has over me and want to quit, but i just cannot get it right in my mind. Will I be successful with all that smoking going on in the house.

Asked by victoria56 on 1/7/09 2 Answers»


Hi Victoria. I know how you feel, if like me ( I smoked from age 13 till i was 47) there was this perpetual uneasy fear-like feeling. Well I figured out that the feeling was because I felt as if I was about to lose part of me on purpose. How was I supossed to talk on the phone, drive my car? What was I to do w/ my other hand & arm? To tell you the truth I don't know what I do w/ them now & I haven't smoked in 8 years. OK, this is how I quit,no withdrawal,nada. First, I kept a pack of my cigarettes w/ 10 or so in my room , just in case, you know( ( my security blanket). Now go to Wal-mart (cheapest, I found) and buy the nicotine stop smoking "PATCH". I used the house brand. Read the instructions but I think you use the strongest one 1st, for 3 wks. then the 2nd for 2wks, the 3rd 1wk. I don't really recall. Nows heres my trick.. It says to take them off @ nite. DON'T!!! NEVER take off except to change. I think that's why I never craved a cig. otherwise I would wake-up & lite-up. As for the house smelling of cig. smoke, that won't bother you at all. Although as time goes by the smoke will begin to really stink.I just didn't go & have a couple drinks w/ friends for a couple of months cause drinking REALLY made me want to smoke. not any more though.! As for your whole family, etc. supporting the tabacco industry, not to mention commiting slow suicide & forcing you to invest in a coffin also, who's in charge or the oldest ( not counting your Dad)? If you are ,lay the law down. NEW RULES: NO SMOKING IN HOUSE. Tell them that you are quitting & could really need them to help you . I let people smoke in my house & car now because I remember how pissed off I was when I was made to go outside. It doesn't even phase me. And it won't you either, as soon as you finish w/ the "Patch". You could even extend using the weakest patch @ your own descrection After all, there's no smoke. Set up a comfortable little smoking room for your smokers, in the garage, one of their bedrooms if all else fails. If they are selfish and won't help you I can think of numerous ways to accomplish your goal. Get restraining orders on them is one of the more cut & dried ways. After all this is your life expectency on the line. You could move out till you feel sure enough to be able to hang around smokers. By the way, I carried a piece of a straw cut to a cigs length that I held in my hand like a cig., even sucked on & let hang out of my mouth like a cig for the 1st 4 or so weeks. Don't worry, It's a piece of cake. If I had known it was that easy I would of quit years earlier. There's a time and a place for everything, only then will all the pieces fit. Take Care & never lose.

Answered by: Selket on 1/27/09


You possibly have a chance if the smoking is not allowed in the house and the inside of the house is throughly cleaned of the smell of tobacco smoke. If the smell of tobacco smoke is in the house, you will struggle to quit. Your body will struggle with the strong cravings.
Instead of going cold turkey, I suggest that you cut back to being a social smoker through 2 months and then it will be easier to quit. A social smoker would only smoke up to a pack every two weeks.

Answered by: 1Stealth on 1/12/09
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