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Wendy Atterberry

Wendy Atterberry

Contributing writer for The Frisky

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Helen Fisher

Helen Fisher

Anthropologist, author and advisor to Chemistry.com

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Amber Dotts

Amber Dotts

Motivational speaker and coach of workshop series "The Three...

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Finding Romance

Sparking Up a New Romance

Natalie West was terrified. There she was, sitting in a New York City coffee shop waiting for her date to arrive, and he was late. Nine minutes late, to be exact. And she had arrived five minutes early. That totaled 14 excruciating minutes of waiting, deciding whether she should go ahead and order (she didn’t), wondering if this Jason character she met online was going to show (if not, how typical of her luck), wondering if he’d already come in, seen her and walked back out the door (if so, how embarrassing). The tension and fear roiled in her stomach. Maybe this online dating... Read more of "Sparking Up a New Romance "»

30 Tips for 30 Days

Our very best advice for you!

The Dating Game

The Dating Game

Welcome to the first 30 days of finding romance!

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

The Effects of Politics

The Effects of Politics

We’re flirting with information overload here.

Eau de Whopper

Eau de Whopper

Can Burger King’s new cologne help you find love?
