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Our Frugal Living Experts

Joanne Heim

Joanne Heim

Author of Living Simply: Choosing Less in a World of More

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Gary Foreman

Gary Foreman

Editor and publisher of The Dollar Stretcher Newsletter

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Melissa Tosetti

Melissa Tosetti

Editor and publisher of Budget Savvy magazine

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Frugal Living

Live Frugally (But Enjoy Life Fully)

Your closet is filled with unworn clothes, your car is new, you have no savings and your credit card is maxed. From the outside it may appear as though you’re rolling in cash, but deep down you know you barely have enough to pay your bills.

If this is your story, you’re not alone. A recent survey by the American Bankers Association showed that the average American’s spending has so outpaced his or her earnings, people are falling behind on their loans at the fastest rate in 15 years. And savings accounts? They’re going the way of the steam locomotive;... Read more of "Live Frugally (But Enjoy Life Fully)"»

30 Tips for 30 Days

Our very best advice for you!

It's Time to Get Frugal!

It's Time to Get Frugal!

Welcome to the first 30 days of frugal living!

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Off the Radar

Off the Radar

Foreclosures threaten renters, too, just not as quickly as...

Recession-Proof Gifts

Recession-Proof Gifts

Money's short, times are hard, sometimes all we can afford...
