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Richard Nelson Bolles

Richard Nelson Bolles

Renowned author of the What Color Is Your Parachute? Series

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Bradley Richardson

Bradley Richardson

Business author, professional speaker and career development...

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Tanya Flynn

Tanya Flynn

Communications manager at Careerbuilder.com

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For The Sake of Facebook

For The Sake of Facebook

There’s no doubting that Facebook is one of the greatest networking sites ever created. Ultimately, Facebook can be come an addiction. The fact that you can create a spiffy profile, connect with friends near and far, and receive constant updates on what your friends are doing makes it all the more addicting. Facebook is the ultimate distraction in most workplaces, and if your boss has blocked the website or is monitoring your internet usage, have no fear because we’ve found a way to feed your Facebook addiction while at work.

Someone created a rather funny YouTube video that explains how to use Facebook at work and NOT get caught! Now we don’t condone you risk losing your job by going on Facebook at work, but the video is super helpful and you can’t help but chuckle at the cute puppet used to portray you--the office worker.

Just our way of adding a little levity to your workday. Have you or anyone you know lost a job because of internet distractions? Any tips for staying focused on the job?

Posted: 6/30/08