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Question:What's the most motivating message you send yourself when sheer will power is needed to stay on track with your weight loss goals?

Asked by jeanfroner on 2/13/08 4 Answers»


This may not be 'motivating' in the traditional sense, but when I was in college I put post-it notes all around my dorm room that said "Get off your lazy butt and go work out." I would sit there in that tiny room and would have no choice but to look at them. Eventually, I'd say, "Well, I guess I'd better..." and I would get up and get going. It may not work for everyone, but it did for me.

Answered by: BossNumber1 on 5/4/08


I have a few quick solutions to this question that have worked wonders for many clients.

First solution - find a picture of someone that you would like to look like. Now, the fun part, print out about 10 of those pictures and tape them up in high-traffic areas I.E. bathroom mirror, front door, refri. etc. This may sound a little funny especially if you have roommates or a family living in the same house but you are now taking a serious step to staying motivated and you'll find that those that are close to you will take you a little more serious as well as help support your efforts.

Answered by: TrueTraining1 on 4/1/08


My advice to you is one word: Don't Even Do It! There it is, plain and simple, no ifs ands buts or excuses. "Don't do it!" That is my war cry when it comes down to shedding those pounds. I was 324 pounds at the start of 2006 and now I am around 319 pounds. This is not a yo yo diet but a sustained weight loss that I can "put in the banks". There is no other way. I tried to crash diets and I went down to 315 and then, guess what, boom right back up to 324 like it was nothin. You cannot do this and put it in the bank. I made a lot of hard lifestyle changes to be as successful as I have been but this is a long road, as they say it, it aint a sprint it's a marathon! Just remeber the one simple word: don't do it! next time you reach for that gravy boat. Us a low calorie dressing like chicken broth mixed with corn starch. It tastes like gravy but with half the colories. Another great tip is instead of buying whole milk, buy non-dairy creamer. It tastes the same but no guilt. Also, instead of reaching for the icecream, eat popsicles. they have ZERO fat in them. And if you must cheat, we are humans, then cheat with a health consios snack like doritos and salsa, or chease puffs (doodles) with onion dip (trust me, you'd never guess it was low cal it's that good). And remember, DON"T DO IT!! Can it be any simple?

Answered by: I_AM_Change on 2/14/08


Look we all are weight all the time so we need to be togehter and act like it and on it. Some of community who try to suggest that community and weight are not the whince it comes from I don't understand. It is tellling yourself the difficult road.

Answered by: sheep_tester on 2/14/08
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