Choose the Right Fats

Living healthier is about understanding what is being put into your body. Regardless of whether you need to lose weight, your body needs fats to operate. But not all fats are created equal.
Increasing the intake of “good fats”—like omega-3 and healthy fats from foods like avocado, fish and flaxseed—can elevate your mood, facilitate learning and IQ, improve your ability to focus and your overall health. Eating “bad fats”—like the ones found in processed foods, red meat and butter—can lead to weight gain, lethargy and even more serious ailments like heart disease and diabetes.
Healthy living experts recommend a teaspoon of seed-based oils per day. This can include organic sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, almonds and walnuts. If you want the optimum benefits of good fats, take one tablespoon of oil per 50 pounds of your body weight. Mix flaxseed oil into everyday foods, such as salad dressings, soups, sauces, vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices, protein shakes, meat and fish.
When you’re eating good fats, think of yourself as a “well-oiled machine.” Imagine your brain and cells getting the food they need, your hair, nails and bones being strengthened, your skin becoming softer and the excess weight melting off as your body gets rid of stored fat.
Author: Julian Caden
Topic: Pregnant at 52 after reunion love spell
-My marriage was falling almost dead due to a bit argument, depression, feelingless and numbed attitudes of my Hubby, he preferred being silent so as to hurt me.
-Although there’re days he has been fine and good to me, we cook, eat and do things together, but we still like stepping on a dozen of eggs, we were not at ease as like before when our marriage was still in an excellent shape. Most times after saying some hurtful words to me like; I cannot bear his children anymore cos of my age. He says sorry and apologize cos he knows that he’s acting passive, numbed and feelingless to me and frustration hits him back again and again.
-I truly love my Hubby and feels guilty of our misfortune, I have always wanted to trace back my wrongs and make some amendments so we can live as a happy family with our children by our side. I was tired of seeing him hurt inside.
-He eventually served me with a divorce letter after 18 years of our blessed marriage. His reason was that we could never work things out together again, I couldn’t bear his children, shutting him off to be involved in my life and affairs, he feels numbed when he thinks of those circumstances.
-I was deeply hurt before consulting Dr. Wakina Love Temple, even though I tried day by day to adjust to the woman of his choice but he didn’t see my efforts.
-At the end, I was put in a better position with my Hubby by Dr. Wakina love spell via his email I’m 7 months pregnant already at 52. It’s a magical work of Dr. Wakina that restored our dream.
My husband encouraged us to come out of our shell and tell the world about the man behind the medicine that brought us back together after 7 years of separation. He was so astonished by the amazing spell by Dr. Wakina ( that reunited our undying love for each other that proved we are sole mate. There has been a barrier between us, we regularly disagrees with each other, argue over unnecessary things and fight almost every week when we were still unmarried. We eventually separated for some months due unsolvable issues before he moved to Italy for 4 years.
Though it might sound impossible to still get hold of your crush for that period of time without any means of communication. I always felt he took my heart away with him because I could not fall in love again and I could not stop thinking about him but I can not be with him. Doc Wakina ( proved that nothing relating to love issues is impossible for him; doctor also proved that true love does not die after broking the barriers between us. Days after the spell, he returned unexpectedly to take me along with him. My happiest moment is seeing us live happily for a year without issues before getting married. We are still astonished by the good spiritual work that brought us together forever.
Sometime late September last year, I needed help for a bring back love spell after reading great reviews on Dr. Wakina and his love spell. I had a situation which I desperately needed a supernatural help on, every physical efforts made to rescue my husband has always failed. My husband stopped loving and caring for me and our children after 7 years of happy home. He did so much wrong to me, I encountered so many domestic violence from him, he turned into a professional liar, and the worst of all, and he started using drugs and alcohol. I couldn’t bear his torture anymore when he wanted a divorce. I couldn’t afford to lose my husband to a strange spirit, I knew him to be a loving man before we got married, but I didn’t know what came over him.
Doctor Wakina love spell was so great and powerful, my estranged husband’s attitude and urge for evil changed just after 8 days of the completion of the love spell. The reasons why I can recommend Dr. Wakina to anyone are, his love spell is real and it works, Doctor wakina don’t cast love spell that is against anyone’s wish and his love spell lasts for eternity. I have been observing my husband’s behavior for more than 9 months, he is still the same, he has never stopped loving me again, the love keep growing each day and we keep prospering with the blessings that follows Doctor Wakina’s love spell. That’s the reason why I can recommend him to anyone event to my worst enemy… to email him via
Although I don't agree that red meat and butter are bad for you I would like to add some good fats into my diet. I always wanted to test out flax seed, it seems like a good thing to add to my everyday diet.
I love this site, but you got it wrong on what "bad" fats are. Consider this: humans evolved on saturated fats -- animal fats, whole milk, butter....for thousands of years. We would have gone extinct if those natural fats were bad for us. If the experts in this Living Healthier category would study the topic a little further, they would see that we need these fats to live a healthy lifestyle. Butter is good for you !! Read "Eat Fat, Lose Fat" by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig. Changed my life. xoxo