Chasing Life: New Discoveries in the Search for Immortality to Help You Age Less Today
By Sanjay Gupta, M.D.
Brain surgeon and CNN medical correspondent Gupta provides a guide for “functional aging,” including cutting-edge research that you can integrate into your daily life to improve your health.
Posted: 11/29/2007 04:49 PM EST
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Eight Weeks to Optimum Health, Revised Edition: A Proven Program for Taking Full Advantage of Your Body's Natural Healing Power
By Andrew Weil, M.D.
This is Weil’s most comprehensive tome on living a healthy life. Inside, he guides you through the changes you need to make in your life to live well.
Posted: 11/29/2007 04:54 PM EST
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Fit to Live: The 5-Point Plan to be Lean, Strong, and Fearless for Life
By Pamela Peeke, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.P.
Peeke’s goal is to help you not only be fit enough to survive day to day, but to live your life to the fullest. She focuses on removing the mental, nutritional, physical, financial and environmental roadblocks in your life to get you on the road to living a healthier life.
Posted: 11/29/2007 04:49 PM EST
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Good Calories, Bad Calories
By Gary Taubes
In this groundbreaking book, Taubes points to scientific evidence to show that dietary fat and cholesterol are not the primary cause of heart disease, but that refined carbohydrates and sugar are to blame. Pulitzer Prize-winner Richard Rhodes says Taubes’ book “is easily the most important book on diet and health to be published in the past one hundred years.”
Posted: 11/29/2007 04:53 PM EST
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Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide to Your Well-Being
By Andrew Weil, M.D.
Integrative medicine expert Weil’s most recent book explains how you can make thoughtful lifestyle changes and improve your longevity. Though the book can get a bit technical, Weil emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet and exercise in improving your health. He also promotes spirituality as a key element to your living well.
Posted: 11/29/2007 04:54 PM EST
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Healthy at 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World's Healthiest and Longest-Lived Peoples
By John Robbins
Robbins researched four of the healthiest cultures around the globe to find the secrets for living a longer and more fulfilling life. Robbins explains what he finds in easy terms for integrating these elements into your everyday life.
Posted: 11/29/2007 04:51 PM EST
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Stumbling on Happiness
By Daniel Gilbert
Just as important as your physical health is your mental health. Gilbert examines why it is so hard for you to be happy and content in life—and how you can change that.
Posted: 11/29/2007 04:47 PM EST
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