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Our Improving Your Sex Life Experts

Lori Buckley

Lori Buckley

Licensed clinical psychologist and certified sex therapist.

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Ian Kerner

Ian Kerner

Sex expert, certified counselor and author

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Tristan Taormino

Tristan Taormino

Sex educator, author and Village Voice columnist

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Meet all of our Relationships Experts»


Bethany Marshall, Ph.D.

Marshall has 19 years of experience as a marriage, family, and child therapist. She’s the relationship psychologist for Leeza Gibbon’s radio show, "Hollywood Confidential," and a psychoanalyst who believes there is a firm solution to every problem.
Posted: 12/18/2007 02:50 PM EST more »


Betty Dodson, Ph.D.

Dodson is a sexologist and an advocate for female sexual pleasure and sexual liberation through masturbation.
Posted: 12/18/2007 02:48 PM EST more »


Daniel G. Amen, M.D.

Amen is a child and adult psychiatrist as well as the CEO of Amen Clinics, Inc., which house the world’s largest database of functional brain scans. He is the author of 22 books; his latest is Sex on the Brain.
Posted: 12/18/2007 02:46 PM EST more »


Drew Pinsky, M.D.

Dr. Drew rose to fame during his time hosting the radio show Loveline and is also a clinical professor of psychiatry at the Keck School of Medicine at USC.
Posted: 12/18/2007 02:50 PM EST more »


Gary Schubach, Ed.D.

Schubach is a sex educator who believes that sexual problems arise from a lack of knowledge about satisfying relationships. His goal is to help people develop sexual relationships that allow for peace of mind.
Posted: 12/18/2007 02:52 PM EST more »


Ian Kerner, Ph.D.

Kerner is the relationship doctor for people in their 20s and 30s. He is the author of She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide to Pleasuring a Woman and the best-selling Be Honest, You're Not That Into Him Either. Ian regularly contributes to Cosmopolitan magazine and also is the host of a weekly call-in show with Cosmo radio on Sirius Channel 111 at 7pm Et.
Posted: 12/18/2007 02:49 PM EST more »


Jennifer Berman, M.D.

Berman is a urological practitioner and surgeon and a founding owner of Vibrance Associates.
Posted: 12/18/2007 02:46 PM EST more »