Put More Cash in Your Pocket: My Change Nation Interview with Loral Langemeier

Putting more cash in your pocket is not about denying yourself lattes or other small indulgences. According to Loral Langemeier, author of Put More Cash in Your Pocket: Turn What You Know into Dough, it's about using your existing talents to create more cash. "The mistake people make is that they just do [what they know] as a hobby instead of thinking, 'I'm an entrepreneur,'" suggests Langemeier. "Anyone who wants to make money can do it."
She offers this four-part model for turning what you love into cash:
1. Do what you know. Use the skills you already have—i.e., web designing, in-home care (nursing), writing, housecleaning, and so on.
2. Replicate and duplicate. Follow a model that's already in front of you. If your idea is too unique, it won't turn into fast cash.
3. Use the "fast-cash formula." Start with what you'd like to make a year, divide by 12 (months), then by 4 (weeks) and then by 5 to figure out what you need to make in a day.
4. Promote yourself. Tell people what you do, and why you're so fabulous at it. And don't be afraid to ask for money!
Listen to my entire Change Nation interview with Loral Langemeier.