Succumb to Commute-ism

Brains are so hard to shut off. They just keep thinking and thinking, without any regard for the one that feeds them. Your project from work this, your home renovations that, blah, blah, blah… there’s never time to just be.
Or is there?
If you travel to work, take advantage of your train, bus, car or ferry ride by making it your time to relax and clear your mind. You might read the paper, slowly sip your first cup of java (or better-for-you green tea), listen to talk radio or meditate. (Some of these don't so much work in a car if you're the driver, of course.) Whatever you do, try to keep this time free from thoughts about work obligations or anything else you find stressful. If you're driving, crank up the radio and sing! It's hard to be worried when you're belting out the lyrics to your favorite tune.
If you find the right activity, you might start looking forward to your commute more than you ever dreamed possible.
A little change like this can make the difference between looking forward to getting moving in the morning and dragging yourself out of the house. How can you use your commute time to nourish yourself this week?
I have found listening to audio books a great way to get me back and forth each day.
I used to enjoy taking the railroad to work because I got to relax and read or daydream. It was also a good way to disconnect.