A Cure for Holiday Hangovers

It ain’t over ‘til the fat lady sings, or at least until that ball drops in Times Square. There’s still one more big day to get through before all this holiday madness comes to a close.
Too pooped, pale and puffy to care? Get over it! Here’s how to rebound before New Year’s Eve:
- Clear your fridge, countertops and pantry of all those junk food leftovers. C’mon, you aren’t really going to enjoy that fruitcake anyway. Whole fruit tastes better and actually contains energy-providing nutrients.
- Take naps and get to bed early. You need all the sleep you can get.
- Get a massage. There’s no better way to relax. Other than—well, you know. Do that, too.
- Hydrate. Drinking plenty of fluids has numerous health benefits and really does help hangovers.
- Get out and do something. Like spending those gifts cards on some real presents. Too bad you couldn’t have just done that from the beginning!
Think of it as practice for all those new year's resolutions you'll be making. It pays to be healthy every day of the year. That way, when a big party day comes around, you can afford to have a little fun (or a lot of fun, if you've been especially good!)
Posted: 12/26/08
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