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Question:Do I just have to be patient. Or take the bull by the horns?

I met a guy +- 15 months ago. I thought he was in a relationship an let it be. I would bump into him from time to time at the park with my boys. Then I didn't see him for a long time. I bumped into him 6weeks ago at the park, and found out that that was not his girlfriend and that he was infact single. This would be last iem he would be athe park as his kids were moving to Texas, coincidental I don't know. Anyhow I have seen him since and we have fun and laugh and are attracted to one another. However he did say that he just liks to see where things go and if you have to put in a lot of effort then it may just not be right. Anyway I just would like to have some insight from a different perspective. Should I just enjoy the time when we do see each other or am I waisting my time and should I just drop it now? Any suggestions?

Asked by REDDFIRE on 10/3/08 2 Answers»


Ugh! This is the eternal battle, isn't it! It seems like every time a guy calls and is interested in me, he turns out to be a stalkery weirdo, but when I'm actually attracted to a guy it seems like I'm the one putting in all the effort. The real trick is to find someone who fits somewhere in the middle. Have you thought about coming right out and asking him? It might sting if he says no, but at least you won't be wasting any more of your precious time.

Answered by: runnindownadream on 10/3/08


In my experience, I've found it best to let a guy pursue me. If he's interested, truly, there won't be any "I don't want to put in a lot of effort." If he were really into you, you'd be dating by now.

If you want to push it, ask him to coffee. If he bites, great. If not, move on. No sense wasting time on someone who can't or won't pursue you!

Answered by: Eva1873 on 10/3/08
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