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Our Being Pregnant Experts

Robin Elise Weiss

Robin Elise Weiss

Author of several pregnancy books and mother of seven

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Kip Kozlowski

Kip Kozlowski

Certified nurse-midwife and founder of the Greenhouse Birth...

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Ann Douglas

Ann Douglas

Author of 28 books on pregnancy and motherhood

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Get Closer to Your Love...

Get Closer to Your Love...

You’re glowing. And every time someone tells you that, you get a warm feeling inside and reply, “Oh, thank you!” Reality check—you didn’t get pregnant alone.

It can be easy to suck in all the excitement and have the world revolve about you. But pregnancy can also be a time to celebrate and create a special closeness with your baby’s father-to-be. Also pregnant Laila Ali, daughter of athlete Muhammad Ali, visited the CBS “Early Show” today and shared some ideas for rekindling romance while with child.

*Exercise with your man—Keeps mom fit (and will make easier to get back in shape after the birth) and gives you extra time to talk. A simple walk outside in this beautiful summer weather is enough if done daily and will also improve your mood.

*Go nursery shopping together—Moms have been prepped for as long as they can remember on babies. But men, not so much. This time can be used to fill him in on essential info, and who knows…maybe he’ll pick out some super cute stuff you never knew he would!

*Take a baby-moon—Take advantage of simple vacation, just the two of you. It may be the last time you can do it for a while, so enjoy, relax and focus on your own relationship.

Read more tips from Laila or share some of your own. Get to it! [The Early Show]

Posted: 6/11/08