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Make a Happiness List!

Sarah McColl plans a monthly project on her blog, “Pink of Perfection,” and July is officially the month to make a “happiness list.” A what?? You heard right! Not a grocery list and not a to-do list, but a happiness list!
Sarah writes that “summer is all about simple pleasures,” so it’s the perfect (!) time to collect those things in your life that make you happy or bring you up from a down spot. (Oprah came up with a similar idea to make a daily list of five things that made you happy, fulfilled you or brought some degree of pleasure to that day).
We all have our bad days, the ones that threaten to loom inevitably, but that’s where the handy list comes in: whip it out when you’ve got the blues, and you will quickly be reminded that life is not all bad, it’s actually filled with a lot of good! The happiness list can also act as a goals list, by including dreams of yours for the future. Do you already keep a similar kind of “upper” list? [Pink of Perfection]
Two weeks ago, I started a happiness journal -- to look at what makes me happy on a daily basis. As it turns out what makes me happy, are the same things I am thankful for. The two seem to go hand-in-hand!!