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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Coveted Fruit

We all know that New York City is the Big Apple—except the company with the same name. Apparently Apple thinks it owns the rights to any logo depicting an apple—as in the fruit. That’s right, the maker of your beloved Mac and iPod has gone a little crazy and filed “formal opposition” to the city’s application for a trademark to a new logo for the GreeNYC campaign, which has already started appearing on bus shelters, hybrid taxi and Whole Foods’ shopping bags (preposterous!).

According to reports, Apple is calling for the trademark to be denied, claiming the city's logo will confuse people and "seriously injure the reputation which [Apple] has established for its goods and services."

Are they for real? Are people really going to mistake the NYC apple for the sleek logo on their MacBooks? And if they did think of the Apple logo while waiting for the bus, they’ll probably find their way to the nearest Apple store! (Hmmm… now that’s an idea.) [Wired News]

Posted: 4/3/08