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Dr. Bankole Johnson

Dr. Bankole Johnson

Physician, psychiatrist and addiction researcher

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Damian O’Hara

Damian O’Hara

President of Allen Carr North America

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Dr. Cheryl Healton

Dr. Cheryl Healton

President and CEO of the American Legacy Foundation

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

New York: Ditch Your Pricey Addiction

New York: Ditch Your Pricey Addiction

Come June 3, New York residents will have to pay a $2.75 tax per pack, which is up from the $1.25 tax. A pack of smokes costs around $9 now. With another price hike, who can justify spending that in today’s economy? By quitting smoking, you’ll save your health and money.

In New York, smoking racks up $8.17 billion in health care costs annually and more than half are Medicaid program costs.

So, if you want to keep your cash and kick your dirty habit, use the New York State Smokers Quitline. It offers free coaching and, plans to help quit smoking, free nicotine patches, gum and lozenges as well as free tips and online help. The number is (866) 697-8487 and the web site is www.nysmokefree.com.

When your state raises the price of cigarettes, does it help you quit smoking? [Post-Journal]

Posted: 5/30/08