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Fun Facts on Quitting Smoking

Yes, quitting smoking is tough, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring! Keep these fun facts from in mind as battle the butt.
Did you know...
* That quitting smoking can be one of the biggest factors in improving sexual functioning?
* That the more intensively you focus on quitting, the higher your odds of quitting?
* That using nicotine replacement products could reduce withdrawal symptoms and double your odds of quitting smoking?
* That your appeal to the opposite sex could triple as a non-smoker?
* That quitting smoking could help you avoid complications when undergoing surgery?
* That the more strategies you use to quit, the higher your odds of remaining quit?
* That for every day that you are quit, your immune system improves?
* That even smokers view nonsmokers more positively than they do smokers?
* That as a non-smoker, others might perceive you as being more sophisticated than as a smoker?
* That as a non-smoker, others may perceive you as being more self-disciplined than as a smoker?
What health benefits are you most excited about gaining from quitting smoking? []