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Question:Anyone remember the name of the foundation in Seattle which gives free meditation training?

A few days ago, saw an article on First30Days about this foundation in Seattle which gives free meditation training, and has meditation on Mon. 7:30. I thought I'd be able to find the information again, so I didn't write down the name. However, I did take down the address with the intention of "Googling" directions -- 4000 N. E. 41 St., Seattle, WA., 98105. Did anyone see the article & get the name?

Asked by lilliede81 on 9/1/08 2 Answers»


not the right address (sri chimnoy) -- I'd be int. in this myself!

Answered by: espresso on 10/23/08


Hi, Lilliede81

I have a friend who lives in Seattle and he says it may be the Sri Chinmoy Centre


Answered by: VictoriaB on 9/1/08
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