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Jack  Kornfield

Jack Kornfield

Clinical psychologist, meditation instructor and author

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Sharon Salzberg

Co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society and magazine...

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Stephan Bodian

Meditation teacher and author of Meditation for Dummies

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Meditation and the Brain

Meditation and the Brain

Scientists at the University of Oregon are researching stress, pain, attention span and compassion by means of meditation. They split college kids into two groups: a group that undergoes meditation training and a group that undergoes relaxation training. Five days later, researchers found that the meditators were more adept at dealing with stress (lower cortisol levels) and paying attention.
Diminishing stress and increasing attention seem to go hand-in-hand with meditation strategies, but what about compassion? Scientific studies are showing that compassion, even happiness, can be “taught” via meditation. Such findings are huge in terms of looking at the greater good of society: If meditation can bring out the compassionate side of people, how much could it do for their more aggressive and violent tendencies?
Have you ever noticed any benefits to your focus, stress levels or compassionate behaviors after meditating? Share your experience here. [The Oregonian]

Posted: 6/23/08