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Jack Kornfield

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Get a Handle on Your Finances!

Get a Handle on Your Finances!

Did you know that as a whole, Americans are $17.3 billion in debt? And you can bet that those in debt are still buying unnecessary items and digging the hole a bit deeper. After all the meeting with financial advisors and seeking advice from others, maybe there is something from within that is missing from the equation?
American Chronicle encourages those with financial woes to utilize some basic meditation principles when you are about to buy something. They can help you overcome the strong feelings of “I must have that NOW” and get to the heart of why you have those feelings in the first place.
This particular article advocates the use of a “Zen stick,” a small, portable stick that Betty Hollander, its creator, found to be a great source of focus and concentration. In order to achieve total focus, she  would close her eyes, toss the stick up into the air and see if she could catch it, i.e., see if she was fully concentrating. Having a simple reminder like this could be the key to helping out with nagging desires, as it can transport you to a clearer, better place. [American Chronicle]

Posted: 6/11/08