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Our Managing High Blood Pressure Experts

Dr. Thomas Moore

Dr. Thomas Moore

Senior author of The DASH Diet for Hypertension

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Dr. Norman Kaplan

Dr. Norman Kaplan

Professor of internal medicine at the University of Texas...

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Dr. Mark Houston

Dr. Mark Houston

Author and director of Hypertension Institute at Saint Thomas...

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Question:Can high blood pressure be inherited?

I know my dad has had (and managed successfully) high blood pressure. Does that increase my risk?

Asked by kristen on 8/1/08 1 Answer»


There's very strong evidence that the tendency for high blood pressure can be passed down from generation to generation. If you have a family history of it, make sure your doctor is aware of it, and that you take steps early on to take control of the factors you CAN change: dietary choices, exercise levels, and stress management. Best of luck to you!

Answered by: dhtidwell on 8/7/08
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