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Dr. Mark Hyman

Dr. Mark Hyman

Physician, author and co-founder of Canyon Ranch Resort and...

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Joy Bauer

Registered dietician and best-selling author

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Dr. Arthur Agatston

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Making Fat Work for You

Recent health and obesity research is looking at how our bodies have evolved to hold on to fat. Deirdre Barrett, author of Waistland: The (R)evolutionary Science Behind Our Weight and Fitness Crisis, argues that our bodies were not built for the food that we eat on a regular basis. The processed carbohydrates and high-sodium foods were scarce back in the days when we foraged for food, and our bodies are designed to hold onto those once scarce items.

Researchers are now taking note. Tufts University’s School of Engineering (that’s right, engineers are now looking for the cure to obesity) is currently researching how your fat cells can work harder for you. One biochemical engineer in the article says he is looking at ways to make fat cells more efficient, getting them to burn extra energy faster. Can you believe it? We’re this close to making fat burn fat?

We’ll let you know when that day comes (unfortunately, it’s not anytime soon), but until then you can daydream while you run on a treadmill or ride a bicycle. Good old exercise still seems to be the only way to battle your bulge.

Posted: 3/10/08