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Cure Cold Woes Now!

My head is achy. My stomach is feeling queasy. And if I snort or sniff one more time, I might rip my nose off entirely.
Not only does the common cold make you feel miserable, but it also gives you a downright whiny attitude. And there's no cure for it—the cold, that is. The attitude, I guess, I can work on.
Ask anyone for their prescription to treat the sniffles and they can rattle off a multitude of treatments. Tea with honey, extra-soft tissues and chicken soup are just a few of the most mentionable "cures."
But what happens when something like a simple cold leads to even worse health complications, like bronchitis, an ear infection or a sinus infection? Well, let's make sure that doesn't happen. Luckily, Good Housekeeping did some research on this and packaged their best tips in an article. Here are the highlights:
* Prevent a sinus infection. Start by finding a good nasal decongestant to get rid off mucus—ech!—buildup. And if you can't stand the thought of spraying something up your nose, then invest in a decongestant pill. Talk to your doctor before trying any over-the-counter medicaiton to treat a cold. A nice warm washcloth on your face can help, too, and, hey, that hot chicken soup isn't a bad idea either.
* Thwart bronchitis. This is where you need to eliminate any further irritants that may be lingering in your home or workspace. That means you need to avoid smoking and/or secondhand smoke, household cleaners, and even keeping warm by a fire—the particles can affect your airways.
* Soothe a pending ear infection. Try to avoid ear popping by taking deep breaths or holding your nose. Smoking is another no-no, and a solid decongestant can also help to keep ear canals open and lessen the possibility of an infection.
When I am sick I try to steer clear of meds because they always make me feel more light-headed and woozy than I would prefer. Soup and hot tea with lemon or honey are still my tried-and-true methods. And that hot wash cloth sounds like a good idea, too.
Please, share your wisdom with us! How do you prevent a cold from turning into something worse?
—Caroline Shannon
Great Mother is Real... I am Aisha Kun and i want to testify about Great Mother how she cured me of hiv aids. I was diagnosed of this disease some time ago and i was worried. when i was searching the internet looking for a cure, i came across some testimonies of Great Mother how she has helped a lot of people and i decided to contact her on her info and explained to her. She laughed and told me that she will help me and i was surprised. She sent me the cure and it was a spiritual holy oil and water which is more than a medicine. She directed me on how to take it and i did. I took the cure for 3 weeks and i went to the doctor for check up and to my greatest surprise the disease was no longer in my system. I am so glad and i want to thank Great Mother for helping me. Contact her now on her website and her email is you can also reach her on her whatsapp number +17025514367. If you have any disease, she can help you. Contact her now
Sleep, sleep, and more sleep. That's what always helps me get over colds faster and prevents them from turning into something worse. If I don't immediately take it easy when I get a cold, it will almost always turn into bronchitis. Once I stopped trying to push myself when I was sick, and just stopped, stayed home and slept for a couple days -- go figure -- I felt almost 100% better.
The best advice I have is to drink a lot of orange or cranberry juice and don't blow your nose so hard! I think the rush of vitamin C helps your immune system, and taking it easy on blowing your nose will keep your sinuses and your ear canals from getting too inflamed.