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Comfort Food

In times of stress, many seek solace in comfrot food. Whether you are studying for a final exam all night or getting over a bad breakup, sometimes it feels like you need some munchies to get you through. Now that we find ourselves hit by economic woes, scientists in the public health field are concerned that American eating habits may go from bad to worse.
According to one study, six out of 10 Americans say that they have recently changed their grocery-buying habits by opting for food of lesser quality. Unfortunately, cheap food can often be equated with bad food, as evident by the McDonald's Value Menu! The correlations don't stop there: Adam Drewnoski, an epidemiology professor says that, 'All evidence suggests that obesity is the toxic consequence of a failing economic environment."
Have you changed your spending ways when it comes to your grocery list? Can you find ways to live healthier and budget at the same time, by cutting out some other activity or expense? [MSNBC]
It's worth thinking about what you're actually getting in terms of nutrition and calories. A package of rice cakes is cheap, but how are you benefitting? That organic peanut butter may be pricey, but it's filling, contains the "good" fats and has protein.
I admit that I was a little reluctant to buy fresh produce from our local 99-cent store, but when I went grocery shopping with a friend there the other week, I was amazed at how much they had! Granted, the selection wasn't as expansive as at our local Albertson's or Trader Joe's, but still, I was able to buy cherry tomatoes, carrots, celery, eggplant, bell peppers and asparagus! Now when I go grocery shopping, I go to the 99-cent store first and then go to one of the other grocery stores to get whatever items weren't available at the 99-cent store.
I just was thinking about this while I was at the store...I'm really looking for ways to eat well on the cheap.
One thing to do is start looking at those circulars that come in the paper or are on the doorstep. For instance, Rite Aid down the street is having a great deal-99 cents for a pack of six mini boxes of raisins, 99 cents for a 24 oz jar of applesauce, and buy one get one free General Mills cereals (Fiber One, Cheerios, Total.)
Store sales are a great way to get a few healthy items on the just takes a bit more effort.