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Question:I have an almost 24 year old college graduate son living at home who doesn't have a job because his degree didn't qualify him for what he wants to do, and he's developed some health issues which he's not doing all he could do resolve. We are at our wits

Asked by kjpost on 11/25/08 1 Answer»


This is such a tough time for many college graduates. My younger sister just graduated and is back to working the same retail job she had while she was still in college. The unfortunate reality of our current economic situation is that many people are having to take jobs that aren't in their chosen fields. The advice I would offer your son is that he might have to take a job that's less than his dream job, but it doesn't have to be permanent. He can still send out resumes and make contacts on the side and maybe even help you out with some of your bills.

Answered by: runnindownadream on 11/26/08
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