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Paige Waehner

Paige Waehner

Personal trainer and author of About.com's guide to exercise

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Gin Miller

Gin Miller

Creator of step training and a top fitness professional for...

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Dr. John Spencer Ellis

Dr. John Spencer Ellis

CEO of the National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association...

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A Funny Movie for Inspiration


I watched "Run, Fatboy, Run" this weekend on DVD. I had seen it when it was in the theaters, and it's even cuter now that I can watch it at home. Simon Pegg plays a guy who ran out on his pregnant fiance on their wedding day. Five years later, he's an out of shape security guard at a lingerie shop. Through the movie, he tries his best to change to get his ex-fiance back (who has now moved on to a much richer boyfriend). He decides to run a marathon to prove to everyone that he can actually finish something if he puts his mind to it. I won't spoil the ending but it's total cheesy love story goodness. Definitely adorable motivation to get in shape!

Shared by LMAYO9 on 9/29/08