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Come Here Often?

Come Here Often?

Have you ever noticed how similar job interviews are to first dates? On both occasions you agonize over choosing the perfect outfit, try to avoid talking about your ex (boss, lover or both), and do your best to make a great first impression.

Still not convinced? The Vancouver Sun recently ran an article about how to give a good first impression on a dream job interview. We've mixed up some of the advice tidbits with suggestions for first date impressions from a couple of dating sites. Try to see if you can pick out which ones relate to job interviews and which refer to dating:

1. You've got to show confidence when you enter the room. Be ready with a smile, but stand straight, make eye contact and offer a strong handshake.

2. If your teeth look like you've been drinking black tea and compulsively smoking cigarettes for the past 72 hours, with the added bonus of chronic halitosis, then chances are that you will, more likely than not, have a lot of free time for yourself.

3. Follow this through by visualizing yourself in the situation as an equal, not a subordinate. Keep your chin up and maintain the self-perception that you're an equal participant.

4. Keeping your outfit clean and simple will enhance your features and boost your confidence, getting people to notice you. Feeling confident and secure in what you wear reflects in your personality and makes all the difference.

5. Being conversational doesn't mean telling personal stories or rambling on unceasingly. Your stories should be 60 to 90 seconds long and they've got to be relevant to the discussion.

So, what do you think? In our opinion, all of these are pretty relevant to the job hunt...and they won't hurt you on a date either.

(Answers: 1, 3, and 5 are interview advice while 2 and 4 are about dating. If you're tired of checking out career web sites, next time trying hitting up some online dating ones. Just make sure you don't ask your interview for a goodnight kiss.) 

Posted: 11/12/08

It is funny how much a first interview is like a first date. You're definitely as equally nervous for both! Although, it's best to research your job and company before a first interview. If you tried to "research" your first date without them knowing, they would probably think you were a stalker!