Turn Your Next Failure Into Success

Most people look at failures as the end of the road, but in fact, they’re only the beginning. They mark the start of your next attempt at success.
Some of the most successful individuals in history have failed repeatedly. Thomas Edison took over a year-and-a-half to develop the light bulb. J.K. Rowling was rejected by 12 publishers before her Harry Potter manuscript was accepted. And so on and so on. Imagine if these people had simply given up after one attempt. Or worse, what if they had been so afraid of failing that they never even tried to pursue their dreams?
View each failure as a learning experience. Extract the lessons you can, then remind yourself that you’re now one step closer to success. As Mother Theresa once said, “God doesn’t require that you succeed; he only requires that you try.” And failing is a sure sign that you’re trying!
Thank You God, In Jesus Name!