Beyond 2012: Practical Tools for Your Transformation

Over the next few weeks, author Daniel Pinchbeck, author of 2012, is going to get on the phone with you and a group of luminaries, thought-leaders and teachers who will help you understand the changes happening all around us. Among the guest speakers are me and some incredible luminaries of our time, for example, Neil Strauss and Douglas Rushkoff. They will address topics, such as,
- how to prepare for "Peak Oil," massive inflation or deflation, and food and water shortages
- how to build resilient local communities
- how to create new networks and sustainable systems that support you and others.
Importantly, they will offer practical steps you can take today—on the personal, local and planetary levels—to reinvent your life and make a difference in our world. Not only will you participate in these groundbreaking calls, you'll have the chance to ask the questions that most challenge you.
Find out more here. First30Days members receive 50% by using the discount code: CHANGE. I am speaking on June 24th at 9pm ET. If you have been looking for guidance on how to help break out of the cycles of deterioration and disempowerment, then join the vanguard of the newly conscious and newly self-empowered. Please join Daniel and me and become part of the discussion.
Please feel free to forward this email to any of your friends you think may need its information right now.