Out, Darn Spot!

Hmm… you’ve been thinking about this sundae all day. Light, fluffy whipped cream... warm, rich hot fudge…. It’s practically drip—
—ping all over your new, wool sweater.
You’re not really going to toss it in the wash and hope for a miracle, are you? People spend entire careers figuring this stuff out. Whenever accidents happen, take a few extra minutes to use a stain-fighting resource. It may mean the difference between saving or destroying a favorite piece of clothing.
Did you know that a solvent cleaner, such as rubbing alcohol or dry cleaning fluid works better on wool than standard, enzyme-based products?
Or that bleaching a rust stain makes it permanent?
Never wash a protein-based stain—milk, egg, baby formula, etc—in hot water, or you’ll cook the protein and set the stain. Instead, soak the item in cold water, rubbing a bit, then launder warm.
And for salad oil, even if the stain’s been set by the dryer, pretreat with a solvent cleaner, rub in some detergent, then launder hot.
It’s a regular science.
There's a great book out that you can purchase from any book store calle The Queen of Clean. She was on Oprah and this woman knows things I never dreamed of asking as well as her own cleaning company. Hope this helps.
While this is useful information, I was hoping that the daily messages would address looking at the changes in various peoples lives and how they addressed them with a positive attitude. I was hoping for stories, quotes, messages that would be inspirational.