Counting Ringtones

If you have trouble falling or staying asleep at night, don’t blame it on anxiety. The problem may be—parents of teens, you’re going to love this one—cell phones. A joint study by scientists at the Karolinska Institute and Uppsala University in Sweden and Wayne State University in Michigan has found that mobile phone use immediately before going to bed can disrupt your sleep pattern, regardless of what you talk about.
The study has linked the radiation emitted by cell phones to sleep disturbances. Participants exposed to a wireless signal experienced delayed and shortened deep stages of sleep. (And we all know what that means: Crank-y.) To help ensure you get enough rest, you may not want to use your cell phone right before bed.
The study also linked mobile phone usage to headaches and trouble concentrating. Try skipping out on those late night calls for a few nights and let us know how it goes! Getting the right amout of shut eye is key to living healthier.