Laff at Your Gaffe

If you’ve just opened your mouth, only to insert your foot—again—the worst thing you can do is to try to brush it off or ignore it. What's out there is out there, but how you handle it is the difference between living a happier life and one filled with regrets.
The offended party isn’t going to forget what you said or did until you do something about it. Be brave. When the dust settles, raise your hand up high and admit your blunder: “I was wrong. I shouldn’t have said it. I’m a jerk.” People will be much more likely to forgive you if you admit your shortcomings and acknowledge your mistakes.
While you’re at it, showing off the more charming side of your personality as you’re making amends never hurt. We all say and do things we shouldn’t. Laugh at your faults and the rest of the world will, too. As Victor Borge, the pianist and entertainer said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." Who do you need to ask for forgiveness from today? Who do you need to forgive? Go ahead and clear the air now with a laugh and a smile—you'll be glad you did.
I need to ask forgiveness of myself. Why??
In the past I have repressed a good part of who I am. Only now, am I beginning to be able to understand who I am.
Childhood was difficult, & in order to survive, I had to suppress the part of me that wasn't accepted. Of course, it wasn't the best choice, either, to marry someone just like my mother -- the unaccepting parent.
The journey has been long & hard, to learn and to accept who I am, who I should have been from the beginning of my life.
Sure, there has been 1-on-1 counseling, group therapy, support groups, a few supportive friends along the way, but I'm the one who's done the work, and the learning, and the letting go. I'm the only one who could.
I've learned to trust the Universe -- the Creator of all, the I Am -- to help me to heal. I am grateful for all
the support, comfort, and nurturing given me through the years, by the Universe, the Creator!! Otherwise, I would not be where I am right now, or continue to grow, accept, trust & love myself, and now, ... others.
I am grateful for the experience of my life. It has made me more aware. I empathize with other people's feelings and what they are going through. The beauty of nature has always been a thrill! A tune or song touches me. The beauty in another human being shines through crystal clear. Like Ariane has said, there is always a gift .....