Reading Rainbow

You never got around to summer reading lists as a kid (and honestly, how many of us did?), and you probably have even less time to read now, even if you want to. And that’s okay. Lest you think it's too late to become a more avid reader and finally pick up that copy of The Great Gatsby or 1984, here’s your brass ring of opportunity: October is National Book Month. Commit to reading just one book during this annual event and see if you aren’t begging for more!
Choose a title off the New York Times Bestseller list. Or perhaps pick one your friends have been talking about or a classic you never got to, like Catcher in the Rye or Great Expectations. It doesn’t matter. Just enjoy getting happily lost in the story, or in the case of non-fiction, learning something new.
When you’re finished, relish in the feeling of accomplishment and then start looking for your next title. Check out Random House’s lists of the 100 Best Novels, one compiled by them and the other compiled by readers. Are you surprised by any of their choices? Let us know what you're reading, and what your fave titles are.
I like to tuck a book in my bag when I have a long commute ahead of me (or a medical appointment). It's easier to read in small chunks like that.