5 Positives in this Moment

One of my fav pieces of advice that's stuck with me since receiving this change:
"When you're in a situation that leads you to feel negative or unhappy, think of 5 good things you can find in it."
The advice sounds rather simple and even obvious, but for me it makes a big difference.
When headed to a job I wasn't very excited about I thought 1) I'm blessed to have income today 2) the commute is really convenient 3) I'm going to be out in time for my friend's party tonite 4) I'd rather be doing this than waiting tables 5) the people I'm working with are nice
And in more serious situations when 5 good things are harder to think of, it just means more time you're looking for positives, so the effect is even deeper.
thats great advice
I think this is very helpful advice. My job stinks most of the time and is smothering in its negativity, so I am going to start using this tip today. Thanks for sharing!