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I have a pretty unusual name and I hated it growing up. I wanted to be a Jennifer or a Heather. Now that I'm older and have a career and a life in my community I like my unusual name. When people refer to me by name there is no way anyone is going to mistake me for a Jennifer or a Heather.
I like my name and wouldn't change it! It's unique enough that everyone doesn't have it, but common enough that it isn't misspelled every time or received with a puzzling look. I like that!
12 years ago a young 16 year old said she was going to name her first daugter Morgan Christina. At the time my birthname was Christina and I was changeing my name because of a divorce.
I asked the young girl if I could take the name she wanted for her first girl, Morgan Christina. I also asked the divorce court to change my last name to Blake unstead of my maiden name.
Blake is the last name of a poet in the 1800's.
So I became a new person, Morgan Christina Blake
I used to really want to be a Kim. When I was growing up and it was time to make my communion my mother asked me what name I was thinking about. Of course, I said Kim. But, of course, there is no Saint Kim and I was limited to names of saints for my confirmation name. I must confess, I don't really understand the whole thing. It's not a middle name, chosen at birth and I never use it, but I chose Regina and, I guess, in retrospect I'm glad I did because I'm decidedly not a Kim.
I happen to think my name suits me and I don't think I'd change it, though I might not have felt the same had I been a boy. I was to be named Rex Washburn and called "Bernie." Rex is a tough name to carry (though my dear dad wears it well.) But Bernie? Not crazy about it.
Thanks be to God that I'm a girl!