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Question:What's your definition of an optimist

I heard this and had to look it up:

An Optimist is ... A person who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.

--Mark Twain,
More Maxims of Mark (Merle Johnson, ed., 1927)

Do you have any good sayings like this about optimism?

Asked by VictoriaB on 6/30/08 2 Answers»


I am positive in what I think, in what I say, in what I

do, in how I feel. Unconditional love completely

fills and surrounds me.

When or if I begin to feel less than positive, this
affirmation really works for me.

Answered by: lilliede81 on 7/14/08


"Most people are as happy as they make their minds up to be." Abraham Lincoln I've tried it and it works... someone says, in greeting, "How ya doin'?" "WONDERFUL!", I reply and, almost without exception, the other person will smile. Happiness is contagious, try it-- the next five people you meet, look 'em in the eye, smile, exclaim "Wonderful!", and at least three will return the smile (in time they'll begin to pass it on themselves). Go ahead, I dare you. I double dare you...

Answered by: oldgold on 7/1/08
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