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Ever Heard of the DASH Diet?

Ever Heard of the DASH Diet?

If you're among the 25% of adults in this country who suffer from high blood pressure, don't sit back and wait for it to go away. It won't. High blood pressure "is not a curable condition," warns Dr. Thomas J. Moore, senior author of The DASH Diet for Hypertension. "There are steps the patient will have to take to achieve an ongoing control of their hypertension."
A great place to start is the DASH diet—dietary approaches to stop hypertension—that teaches you to eat according to food groups and numbers of servings per day. Beyond lowering blood pressure, this simple program also leads to weight loss and better overall health. "The DASH diet and the food pyramid are now the models for the way the U.S. Dietetic Association recommends that all Americans should eat," says Moore.
To combat our natural resistance to changes in diet, Moore advises remembering that eating is a decision. "Each time you eat, you make a decision about what goes in your body," he reminds us. "As long as you're honest with yourself, you can make better decisions…to help [lower] your high blood pressure."
To receive 30 FREE daily tips on Managing High Blood Pressure, click here and then click the Yes button.

Posted: 5/19/10
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