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Question:This year was very stressful. I ended up taking sleeping pills because I wasn't sleeping. I'm on the lowest dosage know but I think once I stop I will not sleep. Which would be fine if I wasn't working. Any sugestions or other people that got off from som

Asked by Twomuch on 12/14/08 3 Answers»


I'd love to see you replace the sleeping pills with something like exercise, yoga or meditation (or all three).

I had a really stressful patch in a past job and the thing that really helped me was a Tae Kwan Do class I was taking. Two or three times a week I would go and kick and punch and shout and stretch ... it was SO great to get all that stress out. I'd go after work then walk home, take a shower, relax and sleep like a log!

Answered by: VictoriaB on 12/18/08


He really hasn't said anything I just keep calling for more sleeping pills and he keeps perscribing me more. Its probebly stress from my job. I am in a lot better place mentaly than I was even a couple months ago. For a while there I felt like life was just kinda spinning completly out of control. I used to think life was so easy I guess I got an eye opener. I know the answer would be to find a different job one that doesn't consume me and there's a healthier enviroment but I really don't beleive that job exhists.

Answered by: Twomuch on 12/16/08


You won't sleep till you get to the root of the stress. What does your doctor say?

Answered by: Kiki76 on 12/16/08
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