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Yao's Chinese Medical Adventure

Yao Ming, the gigantic basketball player for the Houston Rockets, is turning away from Western medicine in search speedier healing treatments for a stress fracture in his foot. Instead, the 7-foot 6-inch star is turning to his Chinese roots for help.

Though Yao has already had surgery on his foot and is expected to recover well, he traveled back to China to seek traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) experts for treatment. He will likely be given herbs and ointments to rub on the affected foot, which are thought to help increase circulation to the area and assist in the healing process. Because there is little research that proves that TCM can help heal bone fractures, it's uncertain whether this trip will quickly improve Yao's health.  

But lack of research proof hasn't stopped people before. If a basketball giant like Yao is willing to try alternative treatments to improve his health and keep his basketball career, maybe it's worth trying for your health diagnosis. [Xinhua]

Posted: 4/7/08