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Lee Thomas

Journalist, television broadcaster and author of Turning White...

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Julie Hryniewicz-Hache

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Patrick Mathieu

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It's a Dog! It's a Plane! It's Both?

It's a Dog! It's a Plane! It's Both?

One little puppy provides an excellent lesson in persevering through a health diagnosis.

Hope, a Maltese puppy, was born without her two front legs. Obviously concerned, her family brought her to the Southern Comfort Maltese Rescue in Chattanooga, TN, to find help. The staff fell in love with Hope and contacted orthotist David Turnbill who made Hope’s new “legs” from model airplane wheels for free. To make the device, a cast of Hope’s body was made for the plastic covering on her belly, which attaches at the shoulder joints to the model airplane wheels.

It took Hope many tries before she could walk right. In fact, Hope tipped over quite a bit at first. But she was always eager to try again and now runs around at a “surprisingly break-neck pace,” according to rescue workers.

So the next time you feel as if you’re hitting walls over and over again in handling your health diagnosis, remember to lean on your friends and doctors for help and support and think of Hope’s perserverance. If a little puppy can triumph over a life-changing diagnosis, so can you! [Daily Mail]

Posted: 6/25/08