A friendly and supportive social networking web site providing a safe forum for mothers and expecting (or planning) mothers who share similar parenting situations through support, encouragement and the exchange of ideas and information related to motherhood.
Posted: 07/24/2008 11:44 AM EST
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A web site designed for mothers and their employers to help with the balancing act of working while being a mother and spouse. The site focuses on real-life solutions that can be put to use in a mom’s busy life.
Posted: 11/18/2007 11:31 PM EST
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Confessions of a Working Mom
A blog from a mother of two who dreams of being a stay-at-home mom yet she wakes up each morning to head out the door to work.
Posted: 11/18/2007 11:50 AM EST
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Daring Female
The Daring Female encourages women to live their most fulfilling lives with challenges like daring to find excitement in chaos! Quitting jobs, finding new careers, moving to new cities or countries, starting businesses—all of these are great and gutsy dares, and all are examples of dares that bring with them tons of uncertainty and chaos.
Posted: 04/02/2008 03:28 PM EST
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This community web site for working moms offers support and networking opportunities needed to thrive while managing work and kids.
Posted: 11/18/2007 11:33 PM EST
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This site has all the resources a mom needs when it comes to working. Find plenty of articles about the decision to work or stay home, info on working outside of the home and a variety of tips all moms can use to help simplify their days.
Posted: 11/18/2007 11:35 PM EST
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