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Take Your Baby to Work Day

So, you're starting to think that your allotted three months of maternity leave just isn't going to cut it. Here's a solution; why not bring your baby with you? It's not just hippie granola factories and progressive daycare centers that are willing to work with new moms. lists organizations like the Arizona Department of Health Services, Schools Financial Credit Union in Sacramento, and the Seattle Chamber of Commerce as places of work that have policies for parents who want to bring their infants along. The website also offers templates for babies at work programs and advises that employers have a clear-cut set of rules and regulations before they start putting diaper ointment in the supply closet.
I can personally attest to the fact that this is not an old concept, nor a dangerous one. Back in the early 80's my mom used to take my little infant self along with her to the law office where she worked as a legal secretary. My early introduction to word processors and juicy legal cases is surely what turned me into such a fabulous writer today (I'm only partly kidding.)
If bringing your newborn to work with you sounds like a good idea, do your research and come up with a plan to present to your organization. Tell your bosses that when your little one grows up to be a brilliant writer, lawyer, or architect that they'll be sure to remember where the magic started. -Joy Hepp
That's wonderful--I wish more workplaces would adopt this attitude. Even though I'm not a parent, I can only imagine how helpful (and relieving) it must be to be able to bring your baby/infant to work with you.