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Could You Give Up Technology?

Ah, the Presidency. Unfettered access to information, all at the click of a ...
Hey! Where are you going with my Blackberry?
That's right. It seems our commander in chief is going to have to surrender his right to bear a PDA come January. Since the dawn of the information age, Presidents have had to surrender the freedom to text or e-mail, mostly because of security concerns that their every word could be used against them.
Obama, of course, is rarely seen without his Blackberry, and wants to have a laptop in the Oval Office. Do we think he'll get his wish? And of course, the real question is...Mac or PC?
Mac!!! Sometimes I wish I could give up technology, but now my jobs are all tied to using it, not to mention social behaviors. Live without a cell phone or email? Um...don't see it happening!
He'll be fine. I travel a lot to Mexico and I have to turn off my cell phone down there. It stinks at first, but you adjust after a while.
I heard he plans to give a weekly address to the public via YouTube once he's in office. I hope that's true!
Mac, of course. And as far as the Blackberry is concerned -- that's a tough habit to break. We are so rooted in our need to use a phone 24/7, it almost seems impossible to give it up. Sad, but true. I feel his pain!
I think Obama will get innovative, so this will be interesting. And, as I have just recently converted to the Mac world -I
envision a Mac in the Oval office ;)
I think Obama will get innovative, so this will be interesting. And, as I have just recently converted to the Mac world -I
envision a Mac in the Oval office ;)