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Cody Lundin

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Dr. William Waugh Jr.

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Got A Tip?


Looking Up


There is one thing you can do that doesn’t cost anything and will impact your post-disaster life more than anything else: Staying positive.

Whether you’re just preparing for the worst or you’re experiencing the worst, staying upbeat and focusing on the positive will get you back on your feet quicker and help you appreciate what you do have. This outlook will also inspire your community in the aftermath, and it's important to cultivate this demeanor before, during and after a disaster with your entire family.

If you’re reading this email, you have something to be grateful for. If you have your health and your family by your side, then everything else is replaceable—not to mention that you will be a much needed source of strength and support for your neighbors in this trying time.

Remember that things are always looking up as long as you’re looking up, too. If you’re having trouble staying positive, check out Ariane’s Nine Principles of Change to help you through this difficult and challenging time.

Posted: 2/18/25

Sorry but I think this is hogwash! Three years after Katrina I still am facing as much devastation as day 1 after the storm. The only exception is instead of a hurricane it is in the form of my city, my neighbors, and my health. I do not have my health and not one neighbor has offered to help and the city is imposing fines against people who do not have the resources to improve their situation. I been robbed 42 times, beaten twice and raped twice since Aug 29, 2005 and I filed police reports and much to my dismay I was told anyone can file a police report doesn't mean they will do anything. Also being single with no dependent qualifies me for nothing from the federal government. A bath, affording and having food and water is still a luxury. A bed with sheets .. I have not had since Katrina not to mention I still sleep in my clothes cause I cannot afford night clothing and have to watch the avaliability to do laundry. So staying positive is mockery in my opinion and help from your community is more like a bunch a bullies adding more problems. So sorry if this is negative but the first 30 day,not to mention 3 years later, is more like survival and coping.