Home Disaster Preparedness
By Shoni Ogier Kahn
This book has great quick tips and checklists for preparing your home and family ahead of time.
Posted: 07/31/2008 08:17 PM EST
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Hostile Planet: The Essential Guide to Surviving Natural Disasters, Pandemics, and Terrorist Attacks
By Cheryl Adams with Carole Adams
This comprehensive book offers strategies for surviving a whole host of different disasters, from tornadoes and winter storms to Anthrax and bubonic plague.
Posted: 07/31/2008 08:27 PM EST
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I'll Know What to Do: A Kid's Guide to Natural Disasters
By Bonnie S. Mark, Ph.D., and Aviva Layton
Practical and realistic steps for children to stay safe during a disaster and verbalize their feelings afterward.
Posted: 07/31/2008 08:19 PM EST
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Organize for Disaster: Prepare Your Family and Your Home for Any Natural Or Unnatural Disaster
By Judith Kolberg
The title refers to the importance of organization in every sense—from a disaster plan to community organizing to mitigate disaster.
Posted: 07/31/2008 08:15 PM EST
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The Silver Lining: The Benefits of Natural Disasters
By Seth R. Reice
This book describes the ecological benefits to a natural disaster, with stories showing how these incidents actually promote biodiversity. It's probably the only book out there that actually looks at the positive effect of a natural disaster.
Posted: 07/31/2008 08:24 PM EST
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What Happened to MY World: Helping Children Cope with Natural Disaster and Catastrophe
By Jim Greenman
A plain look at disasters through the eyes of children and a helpful guide to coping mechanisms.
Posted: 07/31/2008 08:16 PM EST
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When All Hell Breaks Loose: Stuff You Need To Survive When Disaster Strikes
By Cody Lundin
A no-holds-barred look at preparing for and surviving the worst. Not for the faint of heart!
Posted: 07/31/2008 08:13 PM EST
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