Careers & Colleges
Touting itself as “your guide to a successful future,” Careers & Colleges offers information on finding loans, exploring colleges, searching for scholarship and preparing for tests.
Posted: 11/19/2007 01:51 PM EST
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CollegeBound Teen
Established in 1987, this branch of the CollegeBound network provides resources through working with America’s leading colleges, universities and career schools to give readers a connection with educational opportunities.
Posted: 11/19/2007 01:52 PM EST
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Private Colleges & Universities
Providing information on finding detailed information on exploring college and finding the best match for you. Articles include admissions advice, financial aid information and dealing with online applications.
Posted: 11/19/2007 01:52 PM EST
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U. Magazine
Featuring sections for financial aid and college admissions, U. helps students make informed decisions about their education. Stories range from technology, such as digital plagiarism and cell phone use, to campus issues, including comparisons of different campuses and the value of master’s degrees.
Posted: 11/19/2007 01:53 PM EST
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