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Question:Where do you find high-net worth investors?

I'm looking for people to invest in very stable, short term opportunities. I've done this several times, and it seems that the only people I can ever convince are those who are close to me. If I have a sound financial offering though, shouldn't I be able to find others to invest?

Banks aren't what I'm looking for, and while I'm open to using hard money, if I can avoid paying 16% interest rates plus 3 points to close the funds...I'd rather avoid that. I'm happy paying 10-12% interest on these 4-6 month projects, and that's a great return for most people. So any ideas on how to grow my inner circle?

Asked by j4metoo on 10/14/08 3 Answers»


p.s. i think you're standing next to a high-net worth investor in your photo :) did you hit up HRC??

Answered by: Cwolf112 on 10/14/08


In film, the running joke is to go after dentists, because they have tons of money and no idea what to do with it! But seriously, I agree with Kristen. Talk to anyone who will listen to you (and even go down the phonebook and call the dentists!). You never know who will be willing to pony up that cash!

Maybe in your pitches, try emphasizing the safety of this investment. You might be having trouble getting other people on board because we're in such a volatile market right now.

Good luck!

Answered by: Cwolf112 on 10/14/08


Have you tried peer-to-peer lending sites? If it's a non-profit, Kiva.org is a good one. In the for-profit realm you can try Prosper.com.

Most businesses are built on the backs of friends and families. If you want VC or angel investments, you've got to get your idea out there as much as possible...are there professional or small business networks in your area? Whom do you know from your days in NYC that you can call on?

Answered by: kristen on 10/14/08
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