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Profiles of Change

Real People, Real Change

Life stories. They compel us, move us, inspire us and motivate us to change. And it isn't always the life story of a well-known individual that does it. In fact, the people you're probably most motivated by are the ones who are just like you.

These profiles are about real people who are making an effort toward real change in their homes, their communities and in the world. We want to tell a new story each week that will bring much deserved attention to projects large and small, in big cities and small towns.

And there will be a chance for you to participate, too! If you want to nominate someone for Profiles in Change, email us here. Keep in mind that the person being profiled should want to be interviewed, and should be making a change that is having a real impact in some way. In the coming months, you'll be able to comment on these stories and forward them to a friend.

M. J. Ryan

M. J. Ryan

Among M. J. Ryan's components of happiness is her very simple happiness practice of asking herself three basic questions at the end of each day.

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Mara Kaplan

Mara Kaplan

Life is a journey. Mara Kaplan will tell you that it only takes a moment for your life to take the path you hadn't planned on taking.

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Blaire Allison

Blaire Allison

As the Love Guru, Blaire can help you change your life in an instant.

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Katie Danziger

Katie Danziger

Katie created the Nomie Baby Car-seat Cover after her youngest baby was born prematurely and spent over a month in the NICU of the hospital.

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Debbie Tenzer

Debbie Tenzer

Have you ever yearned to perform more acts of kindness? It's not as easy as it sounds, is it? Read on as Debbie Tenzer talks about founding an international kindness movement.

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Elise Ballard

Elise Ballard

Have you ever experienced a moment that changed your life? Small or large experiences can both have that effect on you. Elise talks about her new Epiphany Project and how people inspire her.

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Jonny Imerman

Jonny Imerman

"What if every cancer fighter could talk to a cancer survivor, who not only had beaten the same type of cancer, but who also was the same age and gender as the fighter?”

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