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You May Now Kiss Your Wall

You May Now Kiss Your Wall

When Eija-Riitta Berliner-Mauer communicates with her husband, she finds it to be like talking to a wall. But, unlike most women, she likes it that way. Berliner-Mauer has a fetish called Objectum-Sexuality or objectophilia, which causes people to desire sexual or amorous relationships with inanimate objects.

Berliner-Mauer, whose last name translates literally to “Berlin Wall,” explained her attraction.

"I find long, slim things with horizontal lines very sexy,” she said.

"The Great Wall of China's attractive, but he’s too thick—my husband is sexier."

The story briefly mentions that the couple was married in front of a few guests in 1979, but it leaves out all of the interesting details of the ceremony.

Can you imagine what it would be like planning a wedding between a woman and her tall grey lover? [The Telegraph]

Posted: 5/29/08

How very unusual. It reminds me of a story I read recently about a man who only dated cars. Hmmm... this sort of thing must be more popular than we think!

  • By maggie
  • on 5/30/08 11:48 AM EST