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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Gay Marriage: It's in the Cards

Gay Marriage: It's in the Cards

California and Massachusetts may be the only states where gay marriage is legal, but that hasn't stopped Hallmark from joining in on the celebration.

The greeting card manufacturer announced that it will now be selling same-sex themed greeting cards. This comes as great news to anyone planning on attending a same-sex wedding or commitment ceremony.

"When I have shopped for situations like babies or weddings for gay friends I have good luck in quirky stores," Kathryn Hamm, of the web site gayweddings.com, told the Associated Press. "But if you are just in a generic store it becomes difficult to find some that are neutral but have some style."

A spokeswoman from The Greeting Card Association says that a company as prominent as Hallmark marketing to this niche market is indicative of a change in attitude.

Are you planning a same-sex wedding? Have you had any trouble finding traditional wedding elements that will match your style?

Posted: 8/21/08